A selection of our current projects is provided below

Green Heat Network Fund - Asteros was appointed as part of the Triple Point Delivery Partner consortium to provide application support and assessment services to GHNF, which is the successor grant funding scheme to HNIP. GHNF is currently open to applications​
Advanced Zoning Programme - Asteros has been appointed as financial and commercial advisers to the Department on the Advanced Zoning Programme (previously the City Deep Decarbonisation Programme), providing client-side support to the Department and acting as financial advisers to a range of cities within the Programme
South Westminster Area Network - Asteros have been appointed to support the development of the Department-sponsored area-wide district heating project, from the beginning through to the appointment of a development partner, authoring sections of the OBC, and currently providing commercialisation support
​Old Oak and Park Royal Energy Network - Asteros has been appointed by the Old Oak & Park Royal Development Corporation to deliver business cases (SOC, OBC and FBC) for their heat network project that is seeking to supply new housing, commercial and industrial developments with waste heat from a number of new data centres within the OPDC development area
City Decarbonisation Delivery Project - Stage 2 - leading the financial input to develop business cases based on measures to decarbonise six major UK cities, and then subsequently to develop delivery plans for each of the cities to allow them to implement the Government's new heat zoning policy
E.ON - bespoke financial model design and build for private sector investment into the development of the city-wide heat networks within the City of London and the City of Sheffield

Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust - business case authoring and financial advisory support on multiple estates projects
Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Doncaster New Hospital - appointed as the Trust’s financial adviser to develop a Strategic Outline Case for a new hospital in Doncaster
North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust, Hinchingbrooke Hospital - supporting the Trust with an OBC for a new theatre complex, which received funding via STP Wave IV
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust - supporting the Trust as financial advisers for the Trust's HIP2 project
Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust - supporting the Trust as business case authors for the Trust's HIP2 project as part of a Currie and Brown led consortium
Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire CCG - supporting the production of business cases for new integrated healthcare facilities in Devizes and Trowbridge
The Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust - financial adviser on the Trust’s new accommodation project
West Hertfordshire NHS Trust - supporting the interim estates strategy, including the development of business cases, as part of a BDO led consortium
Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust - financial advice and long term lease model development for a wellbeing centre
NHS Frimley Health Foundation Trust - business case due diligence on the benefits of entering into a wholly owned subsidiary company
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust - independent assurance on the value for money of a proposed development with a private sector partner
Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust – supporting the Trust with a PBC for new mental health facilities on the Maidstone site
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust – review of commercial delivery options for the redevelopment of the West Middlesex University Hospital site, in partnership with Bevan Brittan

North Lanarkshire Council - supporting the procurement of a Private Sector Partner for the Enterprise Strategic Commercial Partnership, as part of a Turner & Townsend led consortium
London Borough of Southwark - appointed to advise and provide assurance on a proposed refinancing
Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council - advised on a refinancing and provided assurance on the equity sale of a BSF investment
Derby City Council - advising on a refinancing

London Borough of Southwark - appointed to advise and provide assurance on a proposed refinancing
Blackburn with Darwen Council - advised on a refinancing and provided assurance on the equity sale of a BSF investment
Derby City Council - advising on a refinancing
Newbury College - assessment of termination and contract buy out options relating to a PFI contract

Abbeyfield South Downs - financial modelling and advising on raising finance for a new care facility